Troparion (10/10/06)
Obikhod, Tone 4
Troparion (10/10/06)
Moscow Synodal Choir Melody, Tone 4
Kontakion (updated 10/02/07)
Greek Chant(Grechesky), Tone 3
1st set of Stichera on "Lord I have cried", without Ps. verses (updated 10/02/07)
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 1, Special Melody "O Wondrous Miracle...", Kiev Caves Lavra
1st set of Stichera on "Lord I have cried" with Sunday Ps. verses in Kiev Caves chant
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 1, Special Melody "O Wondrous Miracle...", Kiev Caves Lavra
2nd set of stichera on "Lord I have cried", with weekday Ps. verses (10/03/07)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one valiant among martyrs..."
2nd set of stichera on "Lord I have cried", with Sunday Ps. verses (updated 10/17/07)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one valiant among martyrs..."
Stichera at the Praises, with weekday Ps. verses (updated 10/1/07)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O Most-Glorious Wonder..."
Stichera at the Praises, Sunday Ps. vs., melody in Soprano (updated 10/17/07)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O Most-Glorious Wonder..."
Stichera at the Praises, Sunday Ps. vs., Melody in Alto (updated 10/17/07)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O Most-Glorious Wonder..."
General Prokeimenon of the Theotokos
Arkhangelsky, Znamenny Chant
Troparion "As thou didst share in the ways of the apostles..."
Obikhod, Tone 4
Obikhod, Tone 1
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" (with Ps. verses for Sunday)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one Valiant..."
Prokeimenon for Several HieroMartyrs
Znamenny Chant, Tone 7
Troparion, Kontakion
Stichera on "Lord I have cried"
Prosomion (Podoben) Tone 1, "Joy of the ranks of heaven..."
Troparion "Thy ewe-lamb Charitina..."(10/2/08)
Court Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion "Rendering thy soul steadfast..."(10/1/08)
Court Chant, Tone 2
Troparion (10/17/08)
Court Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion (10/17/08)
Greek Chant, Tone 3
1st set of Stichera for "Lord I have cried" (10/17/08)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 4
2nd set of Stichera for "Lord I have cried" (10/17/08)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant, Tone 6
Glory, of "Lord I have cried", Old Testament Readings, Glory at Aposticha (10/17/08)
Text pointed for Kievan Chant
Troparion (10/17/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 2
Kontakion (10/17/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion (10/17/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Obikhod, Tone4
Moscow Synodal Choir, Tone4
Greek Chant (Grechesky), Tone 3
Stichera on "Lord I have cried"
Optina Hermitage, Tone 6, Special Melody "Having laid aside..."
Prokeimenon "My mouth shall speak wisdom"
Znamenny Chant, Tone 1
1a. Troparion (10/22/09)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 8
1b. Troparion (10/22/09)
Court Chant Obikhod Variant, Tone 8
1c. Troparion (10/22/09)
Kiev Caves Lavra Chant, Tone 8
2a. Kontakion (SJKP trans.)
Court Chant, Tone 6, Melody in Soprano
2b. Kontakion (SJKP trans.)
Court Chant, Tone 6, Melody in Alto
2c. Kontakion (R-monk Laurence trans.)
Court Chant Variation, Tone 6
3a. Stichera of "Lord I have cried", melody in Soprano (revised 10/23/09)
Kievan Chant, Tone 6
3b. Stichera of "Lord I have cried", melody in Alto (10/23/09)
Kievan Chant, Tone 6
3c. 1st Sticheron of "Lord I have cried"
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 6, Special Melody "The Wretched..."
5. Stichera of Litia (10/23/09)
Kievan Chant, Tone 3
6a. Stichera on Glory of the Aposticha, melody in Soprano (10/23/09)
Kievan Chant, Tone 4
6b. Stichera on Glory of the Aposticha, melody in Alto (10/23/09)
Kievan Chant, Tone 4
7a. Stichera on the Praises
Optina Hermitage, Tone 6, Special Melody, "Having set all your hope..."
8. Prokeimenon of the Fathers "Blessed art Thou..."
Znamenny, Tone 4
Troparion "O holy apostle James..." (9/29/08)
Greek-Kievan, Tone 3
N. Bakhmetev, Obikhod, Tone 2
Stichera of "Lord I have cried"
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 4, Special Melody "Thou hast given a sign..."
Stichera of the Praises
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one valiant..."
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Troparion, Kontakion, Prokeimenon (10/19/06)
Obikhod, Znamenny
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" (revised 10/19/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one valiant..."
Stichera on the Praises
Optina Hermitage, Tone 6, Prosomion (Podoben) "Having laid aside..."
Troparion "O holy apostle Philip"(9/29/08)
Greek-Kievan, Tone 3
Troparion, Kontakion
Obikhod, Tone 4, Tone 2
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Troparion of St. Euthymius "In thee, O father..." (10/15/07)
N. Bakhmetev, Obikhod, Tone 8
Troparion of Martyr Lucian "In his sufferings..." (10/11/07)
Obikhod, Tone 4
Troparion of Martyr Lucian "In his sufferings..." (10/15/07)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion of St. Euthymius (10/15/07)
Obikhod, Tone 2
Kontakion of St. Euthymius (10/15/07)
Bulgarian Chant, Tone 2, Special Melody "Searching the heights..."
Kontakion of Martyr Lucian (10/15/07)
Obikhod, Tone 2
Stichera of St. Euthymius for "Lord I have cried" (10/18/07)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one Valiant..."
Stichera of Martyr Lucian for "Lord I have cried" (10/24/07)
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 4, Special Melody "Thou hast given a sign..."
Doxasticon for "Lord I have cried", melody in Soprano (10/25/07)
Kievan Chant, Tone 6
Doxasticon for "Lord I have cried", melody in Alto (10/25/07)
Kievan Chant, Tone 6
Glory at the Aposticha (10/25/07)
Kievan Chant, Tone 5
General Troparion of a martyr "In his sufferings..."
N. Bakhmetev, Obikhod, Tone4
N. Bakhmetev, Obikhod, Tone4
Kievan, after B.M. Ledkovsky, Tone4
Stichera on "Lord I have cried", with Psalm verses (10/23/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most-glorious wonder..."
Prokeimenon for Liturgy
Znamenny, Tone 7
Troparion, Kontakion to Martyr Andrew
Stichera to Prophet Hosea on "Lord I have cried"
Optina Hermitage, Tone 1, Prosomion (Podoben), "O All- praised Martyrs..."
Stichera to Martyr Andrew on "Lord I have cried" (10/22/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody, "As one valiant"
Troparion "O holy apostle and evangelist Luke..." (9/29/08)
Greek-Kievan, Tone 3
Troparion of Martyr Varus
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
Troparion of Martyr Varus
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Troparion "O Wonderworker Living in Christ", Kontakion (10/18/06)
Obikhod, Tone 4
Troparion "With the Apostles..." (10/18/06)
Obikhod, Tone 4
Troparion "O Wonderworker Living in Christ", Kontakion (10/17/06)
Kievan, after B.M. Ledkovsky
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" for a weekday - 8 stichera (revised 10/31/09)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 6, Special Melody "Having set all your hope..."
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" for Sunday - 6 stichera (revised 10/31/09)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 6, Special Melody "Having set all your hope..."
Stichera at the Praises (10/18/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O Most Glorious Wonder..."
General Troparion to a martyr "In his suffering..."
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion to a martyr "In his suffering..."
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 2
Stichera for "Lord I have cried" for a weekday
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one valiant among martyrs..."
Stichera for "Lord I have cried" for Sunday
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one valiant among martyrs..."
Stichera for "Lord I have cried" & Aposticha for a Weekday
Text pointed for Kievan Chant
Stichera for "Lord I have cried" & Aposticha for Sunday
Text pointed for Kievan Chant
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Troparion (trans. SJOKP)
Obikhod, Tone 4
Troparion (trans. SJOKP)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion (trans. SJOKP)
Obikhod, Tone 8
4 stichera of "Lord I have cried"
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one valiant..."
Troparion, Kontakion (revised 10/18/06)
Kontakion (10/24/06)
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 4, Special Melody "Thou Who wast lifted up..."
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" with Sunday verses (11/03/06)
Kiev Caves Lavra, Tone 4, Prosomion (Podoben) "Thou hast given a sign..."
Glory, at the "Lord I have cried"
Text marked for Kievan Chant
Aposticha of Vespers - on a weekday (10/28/06)
Hermitage of the Seven Lakes, Tone 1, Special Melody "Joy of the ranks of heaven"
Glory of the Aposticha of Vespers
Text marked for Kievan Chant
Stichera of the Praises, for on Sunday
Text marked for Kievan Chant
Prokeimenon at the Liturgy "Their sound hath gone forth..."
Znamenny, Tone 8
Troparion, Kontakion
Troparion, Kontakion
Troparion, Kontakion
Lesser Znamenny, I Smirnov, D Soloviev
Stichera on "Lord I have cried"
Optina Hermitage, Tone 2, Special Melody "When from the Tree..."
Stichera on "Lord I have cried"
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O Glorious Wonder..."
after Prot. P. Turchaninov, Special Melody "Thy Bridal Chamber"
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Troparion of the Great Earthquake (revised 11/6/09)
Court Chant, Tone 8
Troparion of St. Demetrius (revised 11/2/09)
Greek Chant, Tone 3
Kontakion of the Great Earthquake (revised 11/6/09)
Court Chant, Tone 6
Kontakion of St. Demetrius (revised 11/6/09)
Court Chant, Tone 2
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" with verses for a weekday (10/26/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 2, Special Melody "When from the Tree..."
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" with verses for a weekday (10/25/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most glorious wonder..."
Glory, on "Lord I have cried"
Text only, marked for Kievan chant
Three Stichera at the Praises, with verses for weekday (11/06/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As one valiant..."
General Troparion for a martyr "In his suffering..."
N. Bakhmetev Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion for a martyr "In his suffering..."
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
N. Bakhmetev Court Chant, Tone 2
Stichera on "Lord I have cried", melody in Soprano
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most glorious wonder..."
Stichera on "Lord I have cried", melody in Alto
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most glorious wonder..."
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Troparion "Thy ewe-lamb Anastasia..." (9/29/08)
Court Chant, Tone 4
Troparion of St. Abramius "In thee, O father was preserved" (10/24/07)
Obikhod, Tone 8
Kontakion of Martyr Anastasia (10/23/07)
Greek Chant (Grechesky), Tone 3
Kontakion of St. Abramius (10/24/07)
Greek Chant (Grechesky), Tone 3
Stichera of St. Abramius for "Lord I have cried" mel. in Sopr. (11/08/07)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most glorious wonder..."
Stichera of St. Abramius for "Lord I have cried" mel. in Alto (11/09/07)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 8, Special Melody "O most glorious wonder..."
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
N. Bakhmetev, Court Chant, Tone 4
General Troparion of the Martyrs "In their sufferings..." (11/13/08)
Abbreviated Greek Chant, Tone 4
Kontakion (10/27/06)
Obikhod, Tone 8
Stichera on "Lord I have cried" (11/08/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As One Valiant..."
Stichera on "Lord I have cried", with Psalm verses (11/08/06)
Optina Hermitage, Tone 4, Special Melody "As One Valiant..."
Glory on "Lord I have cried", (11/08/06)
Doxasticon text marked for Kievan Chant
General Troparion of the Apostles "O holy apostles..." (11/13/08)
Greek Chant
Kontakion of the Apostles Stachys...
Obikhod, N. Bakhmetev
Troparion of Martyr Epimachus
Obikhod, N. Bakhmetev